Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, flanked by senior members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), made a bold statement today before embarking on a march towards the BJP headquarters, asserting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi possesses the authority to incarcerate individuals at will. Kejriwal accused the BJP of perceiving AAP as a formidable threat, leading to what he terms as “Operation Jhaadu” – an orchestrated effort to undermine his party’s standing. According to Kejriwal, the Prime Minister is resolute in his endeavor to dismantle the Aam Aadmi Party, purportedly orchestrating the arrest of prominent AAP figures, freezing the party’s financial accounts, and shuttering their facilities.
In response to this perceived threat, Kejriwal declared his intention to lead a procession to the BJP headquarters, accompanied by AAP’s senior leadership. However, Delhi Police clarified that AAP had not sought permission for any demonstration and would not be allowed to stage a protest near the BJP premises. In a traffic advisory, commuters were advised to steer clear of certain routes due to the anticipated march.
Despite the police’s warnings, Kejriwal and his key AAP associates proceeded with their march towards the BJP headquarters. Numerous AAP supporters were apprehended as they attempted to approach the BJP office. DCP Delhi Central, Harsha Vardhan Mandava, confirmed the enforcement of Section 144 on DDU Marg, prohibiting any form of public gathering.
The recent arrest of Kejriwal’s aide, Bibhav Kumar, in connection with an alleged assault on AAP MP Swati Maliwal, has further escalated tensions between AAP and the BJP. Kejriwal claimed that additional arrests were imminent, targeting AAP MP Raghav Chadha and Delhi ministers Atishi and Saurabh Bharadwaj.
Kejriwal vehemently refuted the BJP’s tactics, asserting that the Aam Aadmi Party is not easily subdued. He criticized PM Modi for allegedly targeting AAP leaders such as Manish Sisodia, Satyendar Jain, and Sanjay Singh, by incarcerating them on various charges.
Regarding AAP’s governance achievements, Kejriwal highlighted initiatives such as free electricity and water provision, emphasizing the party’s commitment to transparency and public welfare. Despite facing legal challenges, including his recent arrest in a money laundering case, Kejriwal remains resolute in his dedication to serving the people.
Addressing allegations of a liquor policy scam, Kejriwal questioned the absence of any recovered funds, challenging the BJP’s claims. He condemned PM Modi’s characterization of him as a “Khalistani politician,” labeling such tactics as reprehensible and indicative of the BJP’s desperation to discredit its adversaries.