Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday teamed up once again, gracing the silver screen with the much-anticipated Dream Girl 2, which made its theatrical debut on August 25th. The film embarked on its box office journey with a commendable stride, amassing an impressive opening day collection of Rs 9.7 crore. The reliable industry tracker Sacnilk reported this promising start. On its first day, Dream Girl 2 held a notable 29.51% occupancy rate for Hindi audiences.
Ayushmann Khurrana, who encountered setbacks with his last four cinematic endeavors – Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui, Anek, Doctor G, and An Action Hero – now sets his sights on a triumphant rebound with Dream Girl 2, seeking to mark a resounding success on the commercial front.
In the present scenario, Dream Girl 2 faces relatively mild competition, benefiting from the continued runs of Gadar 2, Jailer, and OMG 2, which have graced theaters for the past fortnight. The sequel follows in the footsteps of its predecessor, Dream Girl, which debuted in 2019. Interestingly, the original Dream Girl experienced a similar opening reception, garnering a first-day box office collection of Rs 10.50 crores. However, it transformed into Ayushmann’s magnum opus, amassing an impressive Rs 142 crore throughout its theatrical journey, as per the insights shared by Bollywood Hungama.
The Indian cinematic landscape has exhibited a promising upward trajectory in recent months, displaying signs of revival post the pandemic-induced lull. Dream Girl 2’s inauguration echoes the performances of recent releases such as OMG 2 (Rs 10.26 crore), Satyaprem Ki Katha (Rs 9.25 crore), and Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani (Rs 11 crore).
As the curtains rise on Dream Girl 2’s cinematic voyage, all eyes are on its unfolding trajectory and its potential to join the ranks of recent box office victors, breathing renewed life into the world of entertainment.
Movie Review
In a stroke of directorial brilliance, Raaj Shaandilyaa enlists the comedic prowess of Naresh Kathooria, renowned for his contribution to the uproarious Punjabi film “Carry On Jatta,” to infuse the writing department with hilarity. This strategic collaboration significantly bolsters the film’s standout element – the impeccable one-liners that infuse the comedy with infectious humor. However, as the characters engage in a relentless pursuit of that singular punchline, a certain monotony begins to emerge, a sentiment shared by many viewers. While some of these zingers land spectacularly, there are instances where the humor falls astonishingly flat, compelling one to yearn for the wit showcased in “Dream Girl.”
The concept of transforming Karam into the effervescent Pooja, not merely through voice modulation but also physical embodiment, holds an intriguing promise on paper. One can readily comprehend the rationale behind the makers’ decision to traverse this path. However, even seasoned performers of the caliber of Krushna Abhishek and Sunil Grover find themselves grappling with the complexity of this transformation. Coupled with a comedy of ‘err’ors that struggles to elicit genuine laughter, the onus on Ayushmann to shine as Pooja becomes an uphill battle. The film delves into a somewhat formulaic rhythm in its initial half, interspersed with moments of genuine rib-tickling hilarity. Yet, it takes an audacious leap into the realm of the outlandish in the latter half, leaving audiences pondering when this rollercoaster ride of eccentricity will eventually culminate.
As the credits roll on this cinematic venture, there’s a sense of bittersweet anticipation – a longing for the balance between uproarious mirth and audacious eccentricity that could have potentially rendered this film a timeless comedy gem.