Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, has been assigned remand prisoner number 7691 and is currently housed in the Rajahmundry Central Jail. This move comes after a court in Vijayawada ordered his 14-day judicial custody in connection with an alleged skill development scam.
Naidu, a prominent figure in the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), was transported to the jail during the early hours of Monday. He is currently accommodated in a specially designated room within the ‘Sneha’ block of the central prison.
In compliance with the court’s directives, the jail authorities have gone the extra mile to ensure that Naidu’s stay is comfortable and secure. He is provided with exclusive amenities, including a specially appointed room, carefully prepared home-cooked meals, essential medicines, and enhanced security measures, considering potential threats.
It is worth noting that Naidu is under Z plus category security, a testament to his stature. However, despite this high-level security, NSG commandos have not been granted access to the jail premises.
In response to these developments, Naidu’s legal team has taken action by submitting a petition to the Vijayawada Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) court, requesting house arrest for Naidu, given his Z plus security status. This petition, in conjunction with the Crime Investigation Department’s (CID) request for Naidu’s police custody, is expected to be addressed during Monday’s court hearing.